What is the Diameter of 200 lb. Braided Fishing Line?

What is the Diameter of 200 lb. Braided Fishing Line?

It depends on the number of strands in the braid.

The diameter of 200 lb. braided fishing line is 0.80 mm or 0.0314 inches. This is the diameter for a 16 strand braided fishing line. That’s really small.

Let’s compare it to an 8 strand braided fishing line. An 8 strand braid is 0.75 mm or 0.0295 inches in diameter. It’s a little smaller in diameter because there are only half the strands.

So, if you want to get more line on your reel then get the 8 strand or 4 strand. You will be able to put more line on the same reel.

Here are the diameters of a typical 8 strand braided PE fishing line. Tale a look at the chart below….

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