What Size Fishing Reel is Best for Bluefin Tuna?

What Size Fishing Reel is Best for Bluefin Tuna?

What size fishing reel do you need for Bluefin Tuna?

Well, lets talk about what the reel should have in order to tackle a big Bluefin Tuna. There are 2 features or specs that a fishing reel needs in order to battle a big fish like a Bluefin.

  1. Large Line Capacity
  2. Heavy Drag system

A fishing reel needs a substantial amount of line storage in order to wear down a tuna. Tuna will run several times but the first run is the longest, usually about 200 - 300 yards depending on how big the tuna is. So a fishing reel suitable for tuna needs to hold at least 300+ yards of braided PE line. The bigger the tuna the most line capacity you'll need. A 1,000 lb. Bluefin may take 400 or 500 yards of line on the first run. More line is always better but don't sacrifice line weight for more line. Heavier line will allow you to increase the drag and wear the tuna out faster.

The drag system on a fishing reel is used to apply resistance on the fish while it is swimming away. The more drag or resistance, the faster the fish tires out. 20 lb. max drag should be the minimum for bluefin tuna and 40 lbs. is about ideal. So look for a fishing reel, either lever drag or spinning reel with a maximum drag of 20 - 40 lbs. This is a good setup for Bluefin.

Choose a reel size that has a good line capacity and maximum drag for bluefin tuna. The sizes are different depending on the make and model of the reel. For example, the Okuma Makaira MK30ii lever drag reel is a size 30 and can hold 850 yards of 30 lb. braided line or 550 yards of 50 lb. braided line. Sometimes the reel size indicates the line weight but not always. The Okuma Salina II 16000 spinning reel holds 500 yards of 40 lb. braided PE line. So when choosing a fishing reel, pick the size or model that has the line capacity and drag weight that you want.

Typical Lever Drag Reel Sizes

  • Size 30 - 30 lb. line
  • Size 50 - 50 lb. line
  • Size 80 - 80 lb. line
  • Size 130 - 130+ lb.

Typical Spinning Reel Sizes

  • 8000 Series - 600+ yards of 40 lb. braid
  • 10000 Series - 500+ yards of 50 lb. braid
  • 14000 Series - 600+ yards of 50 lb. braid
  • 16000 Series - 500+ yards of 65 lb. braid
  • 20000 Series - 600+ yards of 65 lb. braid


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