What's the Largest Blue Marlin Caught on Rod and Reel?
So, how big do Blue Marlin get?
1,000 lbs.?
1,300 lbs. ?
1,600 lbs. ?
Blue Marlin as monsters!! They grow to huge proportions.
14 feet in length and up to 1,900 lbs. or larger.
The largest Blue Marlin ever caught on rod and reel weighed 1,805 lbs. That's very close to 1 ton. That's a huge fish to fight on rod and reel with 130 lb. braided fishing line. You better have a strong back and great stamina...or other folks to switch out with.
The average Blue Marlin weighs from 200 - 400 lbs. and may measure 11 feet long. That's still pretty awesome. Females are much larger than males. Blue Marlin can live up to 27 years in the wild. They continue to grow their entire life.
There could be a 2,000+ lb. Blue Marlin still out there.