What's the Largest Bluefish Caught on Rod and Reel?
What's the Largest Bluefish Caught on Rod and Reel?
So, I read about some rumors of a 40 pound Bluefish lurking the shores of New Jersey. It is possible, because fish grow their entire life. I've caught many bluefish off the coast of New Jersey and some quite large. I think the largest I caught was a 10 lb. 10 oz. Wow, was it a fighter!!! Bluefish are very powerful swimmers and a 40 pound would be quite a battle.
So, the largest recorded Bluefish was a little over 31 lbs. back in 1974 off the coast of North Carolina. That had to have been a serious battle on light tackle, 20 lb. spinning rod/reel. Crazy!!
I love catching Bluefish but not eating them. I give them away.
There is an unofficial record Bluefish caught weighing 35 lbs.
That 40 pounder is still out there!