Is Mono or Braided Fishing Line Better For Shark Fishing?
Is Mono or Braided Fishing Line Better For Shark Fishing?
Monofilament is an all purpose fishing line and has been used for everything from Bluegills to Bluefin Tuna. It is a single strand of nylon. It is very durable and strong but is it the best choice for doing battle with a large shark?
Monofilament has been used for shark fishing but it is not very popular among modern shark hunters/anglers. There are several reasons why braided PE fishing line is a much better choice.
Ideal Fishing Line Properties for Shark Fishing
- Very strong in line weight and in knot strength
- No Elasticity
- Smooth and non-abrasive
- No Line Memory
- Thin Diameter to maximize reel capacity
- No Line Stiffness
You can see below that Mono is not ideal for shark fishing.
Monofilament Fishing line Characteristics [good and bad]
- Limited Strength or Line Weights - up to 150 lb. test
- Available in large spools - up to 3,000 yards
- Elastic properties
- Abrasive properties
- Not cheap in heavier line weights
- Invisible in water
- Does not absorb water
- Good casting properties
- Line Memory - stays kinked after its wound up
- Gets Tangled easily
- Thicker line than braids
- Good shock strength
- Floats on water
- Line Stiffness
Braided PE Fishing Line Characteristics [good and bad]
- Heavier Line Weights - up to 500 lb. test
- Available in Large Spools - up to 2000 yards
- Is Not Elastic
- Is Not Abrasive to rod guides
- Is Visible in water
- Floats on water
- Good Casting Properties
- No Line Memory
- Does Not Tangle
- Very Thin Diameter
- Floats on Water
- Not Stiff
There are several “Flavors” of braided PE fishing line. Braided fishing line comes in 4 strand, 8 strand, 9 strand, 12 strand and 16 strand. Braided fishing line is a braid of many strands of Polyethylene or PE fibers. The more fibers the better the line performs and the stronger knots become. More strands makes the braided line smoother and reduces friction when it touches the rod guides or anything, rocks, wood, etc. The best braided fishing line is the 16 strand. This is the ideal fishing line for shark fishing. It’s super tough and will set the hook more positively than any other fishing line.