What Color Braided Fishing Line is Best?

What color braided fishing line is best?

Is fishing line color important when fishing?

I think that really depends on what type of fish you’re after. I fish mainly in saltwater and have used many different colors of fishing line, mostly braided fishing line. I have never had a problem hooking fish with any color braided fishing line. I have used camo blue, gray, yellow, black, white and green. I have caught Bluefin Tuna, Bluefish, Mako Sharks, Blue Sharks, Yellowfin Tuna, Drum Fish, Stripers, etc. on braided fishing line of various colors.

So, can fish see the fishing line? I don’t know for sure but I don't think they know or care what it is. Most predator fish see the bait and bolt after it. Whether they see the braided fishing line or not, it doesn’t seem to deter or distract them. I doubt they are intelligent enough to figure out what the fishing line is. If they did, we wouldn’t be catching them.

I’ve seen anglers using many different colors and yellow seems to be popular in IGFA tournaments. I’m not sure why???

Sharks may or may not see braided fishing line colors. But nothing distracts them when they smell blood in the water. They will hit a bait fish hard and deliberately, fishing line or no fishing line. If a shark is hungry and smells food, it will attack…just about anything. Colored braided fishing line for sharks is OK. Pick the color you like.

I’ve caught tuna on many different colored braided fishing lines. They don’t seem to see it or know what it is. They just hone on the bait fish. Hunger seems to take over when tuna are hungry and feeding. Use the color of choice.

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